2018-05-25 17:19:07· 来源:洞云书屋
(注:本文是译文,original text white paper of Congnizant)The deeper meshing of virtual and physical machines offers the potential to truly transform the manufacturing value chain, from suppliers through customers, and a
(注:本文是译文,original text white paper of Congnizant)
The deeper meshing of virtual and physical machines offers the potential to truly transform the manufacturing value chain, from suppliers through customers, and at every touchpoint along the way.
Connected devices made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) are here to stay – and the trend will only grow. As such, IoT presents unprecedented opportunities across industry sectors and processes. Leaders are already investing in IoT solutions — and are reaping benefits.
Logistics companies and manufacturers in the automotive space and beyond are implementing IoT concepts to create automated and seamless transactions. Designing new business models that support IoT-enabled capabilities requires companies to take a multi-pronged approach, starting with a business model and use case to bring a multitude of technologies together. To automate transactions with IoT, businesses need to deploy sensors, communicate with multiple devices and implant advanced analytics to distill actionable insights. Accomplishing all of this requires a different approach, one that embraces design thinking.
The IoT represents a scenario in which every object or “thing” is embedded with a sensor and is capable of automatically communicating its state with other objects and automated systems within the environment. Each object represents a node in a virtual network, continuously transmitting a large volume of data about itself and its surroundings — we call these digital footprints a “Code HaloTM.”2 Products built with this capability are often referred to as the new breed of connected products.
IOT代表一种场景,其中每个对象或“事物”都嵌入了传感器,并且能够自动地将其状态与环境中的其他对象和自动化系统通信。每个对象代表一个虚拟网络中的一个节点,不断地传送关于自身及其周围环境的大量数据——我们称这些数字脚印为“Code HaloTM”。具有这种能力的产品通常被称为新的连接产品。
The IoT can include a person with a heart monitor implant that continuously monitors the patient’s health and alerts care providers in case of an emergency. Other examples include an automobile with built-in sensors that send an alert to the owner’s mobile phone when tire pressure is low, precision farming equipment that can adjust the way each part of the field is farmed, or a home automation system that adjusts cooling and lighting based on the level of activity sensed.3
How IoT Enables Informed Manufacturing
An informed manufacturing organization contains four elements: informed products, processes, people and infrastructure. These essential elements of manufacturing are converging like never before, creating a more automated, intelligent and streamlined manufacturing process.
Products: Advanced sensors, controls and software applications work together to obtain and share real-time information as finished goods make their way down the production line.
People: By connecting people across all business functions and geographies, and providing them with relevant information in real-time, “informed people” will provide intelligent design, operations and maintenance, as well as higher quality service and safety.
Processes: By emphasizing bidirectional information-sharing across the global manufacturing value chain — from supplier to customer — informed processes lead to a flexible and adaptable supply chain.
Infrastructure: Using smart infrastructure components that interface with mo-bile devices, products and people, informed infrastructure will better manage complexities and enable more efficient manufacturing of goods.
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